Category Archives: Catholic Charities

Alabama’s “Sound of Freedom Act” toughest anti-child-sex-trafficking law in USA

LifeSiteNews reports that the unanimous legislation “mandates a minimum of life imprisonment for first-time offenders over 19 who are found guilty of trafficking a minor in the state. Those who are under 18 will be charged with a Class A felony, which carries with it at least 20 years in prison.” […] Alabama Daily News relates that the Sound of Freedom Act “does not require that the perpetrator be aware of their victim’s age to be given a life sentence, nor is mistaking the victim’s age a legitimate legal defense.”

“Mandates a minimum of life imprisonment” — “minimum” — Trump said that the minimum sentence should be immediate execution.

Just a question for those who know who they are: Do you really wanna go that route?


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

Dignitas infinita and human trafficking



Human Trafficking

  1. Human trafficking must also be counted among the grave violations of human dignity. While it is not a new phenomenon, it has taken on tragic dimensions before our eyes, which is why Pope Francis has denounced it in particularly emphatic terms: “I reaffirm here that the ‘trade in people’ is a vile activity, a disgrace to our societies that claim to be civilized! Exploiters and clients at all levels should make a serious examination of conscience both in the first person and before God! Today the Church is renewing her urgent appeal that the dignity and centrality of every individual always be safeguarded, with respect for fundamental rights, as her social teaching emphasizes. She asks that these rights really be extended for millions of men and women on every continent, wherever they are not recognized. In a world in which a lot is said about rights, how often is human dignity actually trampled upon! In a world in which so much is said about rights, it seems that the only thing that has any rights is money.”
  2. For these reasons, the Church and humanity must not cease fighting against such phenomena as “the marketing of human organs and tissues, the sexual exploitation of boys and girls, slave labor, including prostitution, the drug and weapons trade, terrorism, and international organized crime. Such is the magnitude of these situations, and their toll in innocent lives, that we must avoid every temptation to fall into a declarationist nominalism that would assuage our consciences. We need to ensure that our institutions are truly effective in the struggle against all these scourges.” Confronted with these varied and brutal denials of human dignity, we need to be increasingly aware that “human trafficking is a crime against humanity.” It essentially denies human dignity in at least two ways: “Trafficking profoundly disfigures the humanity of the victim, offending his or her freedom and dignity. Yet, at the same time, it dehumanizes those who carry it out.”

The Supreme Pontiff, Francis, at the Audience granted to the undersigned Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the Secretary for the Doctrinal Section of the Dicastery, on 25 March 2024, approved this Declaration, which was decided at the Ordinary Session of this Dicastery on 28 February 2024, and he ordered its publication.

Given in Rome, at the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, on 2 April 2024, the nineteenth anniversary of the death of Pope St. John Paul II.

Víctor Manuel Card. Fernández

Msgr. Armando Matteo
Secretary for the Doctrinal Section

Ex Audientia Die 25.03.2024

I wholeheartedly support these two paragraphs of Dignitas infinita, and hold them out as an accusation to those who are doing these crimes in the name of all that is Catholic and in the name of charities. It’s like reading a description of the activity of NGOs, if you get my drift.


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking, Dignitas infinita, Pope Francis

Catholic Charities trafficking kiddies now more than ever. Because NOBODY CARES.

But this guy being interviewed is too nice, just rattling off some laws and their consequences protecting trafficking. It’s all so shocking, but it doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of what’s really happening.

As I say, I’ve been asked personally by way of phone calls and emails from Catholic Charities, to pick up unvetted kids arriving in the parking lots of their reception centers so as to deliver them to (necessarily) unvetted recipients. That means also straw traffickers, labor trafficking, sex trafficking. I won’t, I can’t do that. The sound of the suffering is ringing in my ears. Let’s review:

I don’t know. Tell me what you think. Should I take up collections during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for Catholic Charities and all their damnable kiddie trafficking?

Oh. And why is it that nobody cares? Because of porn and contraception and abortion and infanticide and ripping healthy kids apart for their organs to research, develop and test “vaccines”… NO ONE CARES. It’s because of all the blessings of same-sex sex. It’s because of spitting at God with Synod on Synodality creating of new revelation, whatever perverted doctrine and perverted morality and perverted demon-idol worship that we ourselves come up with. That’s why NO ONE CARES anymore. It’s all too much.

My statement is “I DON’T CARE!” And what I mean by that is I don’t care what happens to me. I care about what happens to Jesus in the least of the brethren. We must take God and others deadly seriously, not ourselves. We have to forget about being entitled, about being cowards. My must do what is right.

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Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

Extortion deadline: Good Friday

This was postmarked, I’m guessing, at exactly 9:50 AM, but verifiably on Wednesday, 13 March, 2024. It was $9.85 for the postage. For one piece of paper. The irony of the timing is absolutely stunning. I note that I’m given exactly 10 days to get my response post-marked (by Good Friday), or else. That’s a very rigid, legalistic period of time in this era of anything goes.

This must be serious. I can hardly wait to open it. It’s so exciting.

Yep. It’s what I’ve been expecting for a long time: the extorting of protection money.


The intrigue! The suspense! Where’s the popcorn! // off sarcasm

The boring truth is that I am being extorted for a tidy sum of money which is not mine though I’m in charge of it, and that money has a specific intention attached to it by the donors, that it is NOT to go to those who traffic children from the border all the way to Western North Carolina. If I were to hand over the money for that purpose I may well go to prison on a raft of charges. You gotta use the money for that for which it was intended. Or give it back. That’s all ignored.

Meanwhile, the traffickers themselves have asked me three times to deliver unvetted kids to unvetted recipients. I didn’t do that. Now money is desired to fund their activities, or else the extortionists will bring about the irreparable harm they threaten in the letter. They have delineated their methodology and the schedule of events. So exciting!


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking, Humor

Trump proposes death penalty for human trafficking. Does that include Catholic Charities and those taking collections for them?

So, for instance:

We would have to see what that actually means. Does that include Catholic Charities, Southwest Key Programs, etc.? Does that include those (Arch)Dioceses and (Cardinal) (Arch)Bishops who demand collections for Catholic Charities, and the priests who take up those collections in parishes?

Does that include all the pilots who, on the government dime, have been flying in trafficked people from foreign countries by the hundreds of thousands? Does that include so many government agencies who protect and facilitate trafficked people?

I mean, does that include those associated with Catholic Charities in my neck of the woods who called me up requesting three times that I be part of the trafficking of unvetted new arrivals of kids into their parking lots, asking that I immediately volunteer to deliver these kids to who-knows-who (which is wide open to cartels, labor trafficking, sex trafficking, organ harvesting and, you know, money laundering, etc.)?

Do you think that an immediate death penalty is a severe penalty?

I’ll tell you what, hell for eternity is a much worse penalty. Maybe the relatively insignificant death penalty will shake up those who are guilty so that they convert and fight against such cooperation in human trafficking, in sex trafficking. That would be great. We pray for that.

Any (Cardinal) (Arch)Bishops shouldn’t think that I’m judging their souls before God. I don’t see God in the face, so I can’t do that. I’m just saying that there may be penalties already in this world for assisting with human trafficking. I simply suggest looking into the matter. It takes about five seconds on Google or YouTube searches to come up with whistle-blowers galore… and Congressional investigations. It’s all enough for my conscience to have me back away from Catholic Charities years ago. It’s not just possible that Catholic Charities, ubiquitous in all of this, is complicit in trafficking of kids; it’s most probable, and, for many, who were in all of this, it’s not just probable, it’s fact.

Let’s review for those slow of mind and heart and soul:

So, my dear (Cardinal) (Arch)Bishops, do you really think you’re doing the right thing with Catholic Charities who are ubiquitous in all of this? Do you get kickbacks? There are billions of dollars at play…

I don’t think the death penalty is good enough. I think that all those who have been doing such trafficking should die by way of heart attack gained by having their faces put into all the corpses of those who died in the captivity of their trafficking, you know, by way of snuff films or exhaustion, such as from working the slaughterhouses. But, go ahead, tell me what you think.

I think that’s more merciful, because that might give you a few extra minutes to reconsider and repent.

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Filed under Catholic Charities, Child trafficking

You too can traffic kiddies! Catholic Charities personally asked me multiple times to deliver kiddies

I declined to be complicit in the (sex) trafficking of kiddies. Instead, I’m combatting this.

The woke guy in the video says, “hundreds of those stories”. People like to cite the out-of-date number of 85,000. Now, the kiddies lost in the shuffle are in the hundreds of thousands.

No one is vetted. Not the kids, not the receivers. You put your order in, and within sixty minutes, there they are, in your house. Those minutes are not spent in vetting, they are spent in traffic. No follow-up.

Is Catholic Charities everywhere in all of this kind of thing?

Is this what the USCCB wants for “child protection protocols”?

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Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

Sex trafficking kiddies: Listen up Catholic Charities! Pope Francis chimes in…

“It’s a disgrace.” “That’s an understatement.”

Not really. If one understood what it is to be dis-graced, un-graced, without sanctifying grace before God at the Last Judgment, and because of that lack being condemned to hell for all eternity… well, then, “It’s a disgrace” would not be an understatement, but would, instead, by mightily fitting.

Anyway, Pope Francis says that we’re not to be complicit in all the trafficking of the little ones. I’ll second that. No collections for Catholic Charities. Here’s the exact quote:

  • “It is a call to take action, to mobilize all our resources in combatting trafficking and restoring full dignity to those who have been its victims,” he said, warning, “If we close our eyes and ears, if we do nothing, we will be guilty of complicity.”

That video only takes 59 seconds of your time, your Eminences and Excellencies of the USCCB.

All y’all should put that video on perpetual loop…


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

Catholic Charities trafficking kiddies. Adrenaline most fitting. Jesus’ Temple cleansing?

Don’t make this about the video distributor. This is about the video itself.

The guy says: “To a destination or city of their choice.” That’s not true. How are babies, sometimes new-borns – literally dumped in the dirt at the border by the cartels (all paid for) for the Border Patrol to pick up and give to such as Catholic Charities – how is it that they are supposed to make known a destination or city of their choice? Those new-borns walk, say, 3000 miles from Venezuela, a even from just a mile away in northern Mexico, right? No, we see the cartels dumping them. It’s not a conspiracy theory.

What happens is that they are brought to Catholic Charity reception centers by your friendly Customs and Border Patrol where they are dumped, and then dumped again into vehicles which bring them to receivers, you know, for slave labor, for porn-creation, for sex trafficking, for making lots of money for Catholic Charities which gets untold hundreds of millions, billions of dollars from the U.S. government (as does Southwest Key programs, et alii) for this distribution “service.” And then the kickbacks begin.

I know, because I myself was asked to do this three times by Catholic Charities after I refused to be on their board of directors as that would actually strip me of my voice. I said No twice to being a contracted “transportation specialist”, but the third time I said Yes, and while that was being arranged I raced up to talk to the chief detective at the Sheriff’s Department of another county of my parish (we have three counties) asking his help to do a sting operation to bring down Catholic Charities. While they agreed and further plotted with me, the second call came in from Catholic Charities to say that they had found someone closer to Asheville (just up the road), but that there would be many more kiddies arriving and to expect another call soon. They found out that I was outsmarting their set-ups. I think pretty much everyone at Catholic Charities needs to be in prison for a very long time.

I also think that anyone who gives to Catholic Charities is committing what is objectively a mortal sin. Kiddie trafficking? How do USCCB (Cardinal) (Arch)bishops rationalize cooperation with 501(c)3 NGO Catholic Charities? Why do some USCCB (Cardinal) (Arch)bishops make this absolutely mandatory, with threats? Why is it that it’s not a priest providing absolutions and Last Rites and Holy Mass that’s important, but only that the priest take up a collection for the trafficking of kiddies? And otherwise, if he refuses, he’s somehow in schismatic disobedience, whereby the faith has been replaced by pimping money? Trafficking kiddies is not the vocation that I received from Jesus to His Priesthood. No.

Get a load of the back alley here (you can start at 1’30”)…

Surely, you’ll recall the very same back alley the other year (you can start at 4’50”)…

On and on it goes…

And on, and on, and on…

The kickback scam:

  • U.S. Government takes your tax money and pays the cartels to steal kids, from just-borns to teenagers, so that they might bring them to the border, where CBP picks them up and brings them to reception centers.
  • They are then transferred to other reception centers where they are kept for quite a long time, and then brought to another reception center. There are hundreds of such centers spread throughout the USA, also in your town. Finally, they are brought to a local distribution center anywhere in the country, or directly to a final destination of localized traffickers.
  • Every day in custody, every service (food, clothing, medical, education, recreation, transportation, housing, electronics…) is billed to the Feds. Private prisons, which these are, get some $250 a day while spending almost nothing of hundreds of millions, billions of dollars. Southwest Key gets more than a billion yearly. Catholic Charities gets similar money, plus more. And money moves around. Catholic Charities Chicago gave many hundreds of millions to another Catholic Charities for trafficking the other year. Hundreds of millions. Just one Catholic Charities.
  • If the kids start to become troublesome, they are deported, which puts them into ICE detention, where again they are moved around for years and years and years, each person detained making hundreds of dollars a day for the private prisons that are used. And there are kickbacks.
  • Finally the kids are brought to destinations and dumped, with kids screaming not to be let go into the hands of those who put in an order for them, but whom the kids don’t know, but the kids do know how they were treated by the cartels while on the other side of the border.
  • There is so much extra cash that – Hey! – there’s enough for kickbacks to politicians and Feds of all kinds to make it happen. And that’s why it happens.

Then, on top of that, priests are supposed to take up a collection for Catholic Charities so as to assist them in their kiddie trafficking?

If your priest asks for a second collection for child trafficking, don’t put money into that collection.

When Jesus “cleansed” the Temple with whips, bludgeoning the money-changers, He did so with such vengeance because it wasn’t just the Temple and the Holy of Holies they were pimping out, it was because His own Immaculate Mother IS the Ark of the Covenant, she who carried the very Son of the Living God in her womb, and their doing this to the earthly Temple was also and especially an insult to her. Jesus bludgeoned them. I think of the guy in front of the car in the video up top. Such an adrenaline dump.

And can you imagine the wrath of Saint Joseph if Herod’s soldiers had captured baby Jesus in Bethlehem, and instead of killing Him decided to make a porn show of Him, pimping Him out? Talk about adrenaline.

I forgot. Cardinal Tucho wrote porn about the boy Jesus. Yep, porn about the boy Jesus. And Pope Francis knew it a long time ago, and still appointed him. And how many active bishops as local ordinaries are there to call them out here in these USA?

To be Marxist is to be apostate.

Just because some are apostates, you must not abandon the faith, not leave the Church. We must suffer with Jesus. The Church, the Body of Christ, is being pimped out but the Lord’s Little Flock must not cooperate, must not give in, must resist. Priests must say No. Laity must say No. The members of the Body of Christ must say No to all that which is mortal sin, all that which is demonic, diabolical. Never throw away honesty. Never throw away integrity. You are on the side of Satan if you leave the Church, abandon Christ Jesus as He lays down His life for you. Don’t wimp out. Don’t be a coward. Don’t use the scum of the earth as your excuse before Jesus. That won’t fly at the Last Judgment.

One last thing, cooperating in any way with the Synod on Synodality seems to me to be an act of apostasy, for the Hegelian dialectic employed as the methodology of engagement entirely replaces Sacred Revelation with whatever fallen human nature is said to provide: all that which is against doctrine, against morality, against the spiritual life, against reverent liturgy. It’s this total rejection of God and the faith which brings us the problems we have. When no one wants forgiveness of sin, it’s over… for them…

Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy.


Maranatha! Dear Lord, please do up a bludgeoning on behalf of Holy Mother Church!


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

Josh Hawley destroys HHS for their sex trafficking of kids

I just got yet ANOTHER phone call from the ubiquitous and regional Catholic Charities asking me to take kids with unvetted backgrounds.

With our new Speaker, expect this to get more intense.

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Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking

My priestly vocation to finance child trafficking (or not). Entering the seminary and now.

That’s the parking lot door of the seminary I entered at 18 years of age a few months after graduating from high school. It was a broken down, nasty, worm eaten wooden door at that time. My heart was filled to overflowing with pious devotion to follow Jesus. There was trepidation, fearful of myself, not a saint at all, but eagerness, trusting in Jesus, wanting to go to heaven. The door of that seminary was like walking through the Holy Door during a Great Jubilee of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. The angels were there. I was enthralled…

The door was open. One step… another… I went in. It took a while to find someone. All was so very peaceful, but with a sense of urgency, preparing for the year to come. The picture below? I totally get that:

Do you know what did NOT happen? There was no one at that door with a clipboard and pen wanting me to take an oath, then sign that oath, an oath that what I intended to do in wanting to follow up on a possible vocation to the priesthood was to, in future ministry, take up collections to finance abortion clinics and Marxist thinktanks by way of specious second collections, taking up collections to finance child trafficking by way of second collections. Had anyone done that, glaring at me, bullying, I would have turned tail and run away as fast as I could go (despite crippley legs).

So, what has changed since then? Just because I’m older, more vulnerable if thrown onto the street, comfortable in my little hut of a rectory, loving the parish where I am in moonshine Appalachia, am I, because of that, to take up collections which harm Jesus in the least of the brethren? Surely I can find loopholes, excuses… Just No. and Hell No.

You would think that this is a matter of conscience. By and large, it is not treated that way amongst the (arch)dioceses of these USA. What’s conscience? What’s sin? It’s all about money! Child trafficking is now a $152 billion dollar industry. It’s everywhere. We must tread carefully.

Let’s assess:

  • Traffickers of children don’t become as little children. They are the monsters they are because of a billion choices made with all free will to get there. Therefore, they don’t enter the Kingdom of God.
  • Traffickers of children don’t want to hear: “What you have done to the least of the brethren you have done to me, says the Lord.” But they will hear another version of this: “The aggression you perpetrated against the least of the brethren you wrought against me, says the Lord.”

We ought best be helping children to do what’s pictured below:

The other day I heard an account of a little boy trafficked across the border. He had been raped so many times by the cartel monsters that he had to be in diapers 24/7, having lost all function of his rectum. And he will likely be that way the rest of his life. Get it?

“No, no!” shriek the fundraisers for child trafficking, “We’re nice! We buy diapers! We deliver the product children to (unvetted) recipients by car, by van, by bus, by plane! Give us money! Do it now! Or else!”

Tell you what, I would rather end up like this little boy in the pictures below, in a heart beat, rather than pay into child trafficking:

  • “But Father George! Father George! You don’t understand! They can always hurt you more!”
  • Father George: “It’s you who don’t understand. After you are dead, they cannot hurt you more. I would rather hear Jesus say of me: “Blessed are you who have stood by me in my trials.”


  • Where’s fatherly governance in the Church these days?
  • Where is the priestly father of the parish family these days? Protecting Jesus’ sheep from the wolves?

We need strong vocations to the priesthood who will not lose their first fervor in following Jesus on the way to Calvary, always the little children even as they are crucified. Is Mary not there with her children?


Filed under Catholic Charities, Child Protection, Child trafficking, Priesthood, Vocations